Sunday, 23 June 2013


I’ve found a couple of drinks that are just that little bit out of the ordinary   ….. though in the case of the second one, some of you may think    ‘ an awful lot out of the ordinary’  !

The first is a  MANZANILLA MARTINI   made with Manzanilla sherry in place of the usual dry vermouth. Manzanilla  is a dry and delicate sherry that can be matured only in the the port city of Sanlúcar de Barrameda in the province of Cadiz and this coastal area produces a sherry more delicate and ‘saltier’ than most Fino sherries
As with every cocktail, recipes vary. I’ve found one that advises equal measures of sherry and gin – and another that suggests two parts gin to one part sherry.  I’ve even found one that substitutes vodka for gin but I suppose, as with all martinis, the final decision is up to you and how you prefer it.
 1 measure of Manzanilla Sherry
 1 or 2 measures of gin  ( or vodka ! )
 A squeeze of orange ( include the ‘spritz from the zest if you can ) 
 OR a dash of orange bitters
 Shake or Stir – whichever is you preference, Mr Bond – and garnish with a green olive

The second drink is a   CALIMOCHO OR KALIMOTXO 

Calimocho is a popular drink in Spain  and made with red wine and coca cola - or as one recipe  said    “ cola flavoured carbonated beverage’ !!
Recipes differ, but most seem to suggest anything from equal measures of red wine and coke  …. to, a measure of red wine to one and a half measures of coke. Again, you can adjust the measures to suit your taste. Add a squeeze of lemon juice, plenty of ice and garnish with a lemon slice
It strikes me that this recipe may well have developed as a way of using and enjoying some of the rougher Spanish red wines, and I certainly wouldn’t advise using expensive red wine for this drink !
It sounds a bit like Sangria and, I suppose, might well be something to enjoy in the garden should summer return

Definitely going to try these two drinks and report back …….  Dave's already laid claim to the Manzanilla Martini, so that leaves me with the Kalimotxo I suppose.   
Let me know if you try either of them  – and what you think .

And don't forget what Dorthy Parker said:
" I like to drink martinis. Two at the most.
Three I'm under the table, four I'm under the host."

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