Tuesday, 2 July 2013


The car park next door to Smiths is to be closed for the next six weeks whilst renovations to the station are carried out ( at least, that's what we think is happening ). This has obviously been a very convenient place for Smiths' customers to park -  and it's free !

There's the large car park across from the front door of Smiths and another small one,  behind Pacifica,   that you can access by driving down Church Road ( with Smiths on your left ) and, at the end, bearing left into St Mary's Road. The carpark's on your left. 

Both these carparks are covered by CCTV and are free all day Sunday and after 6pm every other day  -  but, unfortunately, not at lunchtimes.

The first 30 minutes in both the car parks is free, so, even if you have a 5.30 / 5.45pm booking you shouldn't have to pay anything to park. HOWEVER .... a word of warning.
........ Be sure to get a ticket for your free half hour !   I've had an email from a customer today telling me that, though the first half hour is free, you need to still get a ticket if you park between 5.30 and 6pm. You can press the '30 mins' button for the ticket and shouldn't have to pay for that first half hour ...... but if you don't get a ticket for it, you'll get a parking penalty for parking before 6pm without a ticket.
So, make sure you arrive just after 5.30 for your early booking, get a 30 minute ticket and you should be OK. (  If you arrive before 5.30 you'll end up paying for an hour's parking that you don't need ) AND .... when you make your 5.30  booking .... let us know that you'll be there a few minutes after 5.30 to take advantage of free parking .
We'll understand !!

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