Wednesday, 7 August 2013


It might be Summer in Eccles but, in Dave's heart,  it's Christmas......

And why ?    I hear you ask .....

Summer = Summer Holiday ....

and  ...... Summer Holiday = time in the sun to plan the Christmas Menu for Smiths....

 ...... so that's what he'll be doing. While everyone thinks he's lying in the sun reading, having the odd glass of wine and eating someone else's food for a change, he'll be putting together the December menu ready for when parties decide that, now their holidays are over, it's time to plan what to do for Christmas......

........ but don't worry. He WILL be lying in the sun reading ( and I wonder what this year's 'must read'  book will be ?   Last year, every other woman - and one man - seemed to be reading '50 Shades of Grey' )   and he will be having the odd glass of wine ... and he will be eating someone else's food - and, no doubt, picking up new ideas for Smiths' menus !

When everyone's back from their Holidays, it'll be time for our new Bite Size Theatre Season.  And we open with a brand new play from Rob Johnston.....the premiere of his brand new play, no less. 
Rob's new play is an adaptation of August Strindberg's  " Miss Julie " relocated to the North of England in the 1950s.  Performances are 25th and 26th September so book your table now - our audience limit is only 30 so they'll soon go. Details on the poster below

Don't forget. Ring and book your table to make sure that you don't miss it !

No more blogging for a couple of weeks - but hopefully, when I blog again, I'll be able to tell you that the Christmas Menu's on it's way.

Sorry !  I know it's still Summer in everyone else's heart ........

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